People Care ​Ministries

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About People ​Care Ministries

GOD has no beginning and no ending yet gives us an example of having a beginning in creation. This community of believers has JESUS as our foundation. Our beginning is belief in the LORD JESUS CHRIST for the redemption of our sins which is our salvation. We started in our living room with a weekly bible study with our family while waiting on The LORD. One day while in fellowship with Dr. Joshua & Wife Denise Jones, and Darry & Wife Yvette Holmes, we were encouraged to go out and start a community bible study and find a location. Dr. Jones challenged us with a timeline to get started! Sister Yvette Holmes suggested we call the ministry People Care.

On April 9, 2017, we had our first bible study at the Brown Recreation Center (BRC) at 7:00 pm, beginning with Genesis Chapter 1. GOD allowed us to fellowship and study his Word at BRC for 3 years. However in 2020, the world temporarily shut down due to Covid-19. God still moved us to continue corporate bible study by using a virtual platform with Zoom.


Through the use of Zoom, we were able to continue ​bible study with increased participation throughout the ​country. While still using Zoom, we were again ​challenged by Dr. Jones to start a non-profit faith ​based ministry officially to provide a giving opportunity ​for us and people of GOD. On February 18, 2022, we ​registered the suggested name People Care Ministries, ​Inc. (PCM) with the NC Secretary of State's Office.

Where we are ​today...

Presently, People Care Ministries (PCM) continues to have weekly bible study on Zoom starting with 6:30 pm corporate prayer and following at 7:00 pm, with the bible study discussion. Other opportunities are Wednesday corporate prayer and fasting; Thursday prayer line for men at 5 am; and Friday prayer line for women at 5 am.

Our biweekly gatherings are 2nd Sunday assemblies at the Hyatt Place located in Greensboro and 4th Sunday House 2 House (H2H) Foundational Teachings with Elder Mike and Wife Gin Underwood. During our 2nd Sunday assemblies we start with early prayer, worship GOD in song, preach the WORD, and have small refreshments with fellowship. The H2H gatherings is for everyone who wants to experience Sunday School in a home setting with questions, readings, and answers. We welcome everyone to fellowship and learn the Word of God. We allow the LORD to lead us in some evangelistic acts and partner with others to care for the community. We (PCM) know that with faith all things are possible. We strive to learn and teach the gospel of JESUS CHRIST by reading and studying the WORD OF GOD, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and line by line. We also welcome everyone's spiritual gift for the Kingdom of GOD, glorifying GOD, and the edification of the church. PCM is an outreach ministry that provides assistance, care, love, and the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST for those that are outside of the church walls.


God's Work

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Unity And Diversity
Details of a Modern Building

Attitude, Actions, Conduct, Character

Our Core

Vision. Purpose. ​Miss​ion.


To get to know who Jesus Christ is ​and to know who we are in Him. We ​discover that by studying God's ​Word verse by verse, and chapter​ by ​chapter.


To minister to Him and to care for ​His people by sharing The Gospel ​of Jesus Christ, one person at a ​time. Whoever is infront of you at ​the time. (Matthew 25:35-40)


Keep it simple. Just be people who genuinely care for other people. By restoring hope to those in need. provide oppurtunities for people to be all that God intends for them to be. People Care Ministries partners with local businesses, and non profit organizations to put christian faith into action by serving our commuinties.

2nd Sunday Service


Every 2nd ​Sunday

Sunday Worship Service

Hyatt Place Hotel

Prayer 9:45am / Service 10am

1619 Stanley Road

Greensboro, NC


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Corporate Prayer & ​Bible Study

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Corporate Prayer

It is to corporately pray to God to bring ​about His plan. How important was ​corporate prayer to the early church? The ​early church met regularly to learn the ​doctrines of the apostles, break bread, and ​prayed together (Acts 2:42). It is important ​to pray together as the body of Christ in ​agreement.

Bible Study

In PCM bible study we explore the scriptures in greater depth, ask questions, and gain wisdom from others who are also interested in learning more about God's Word. With the help of this bible study group, you can grow spiritually and benefit from the fellowship of other believers as well. Reading chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Praying & Fasting

from 6am- 6pm stop to pray at 12 pm & 3 pm and additional options are midnight to noon or noon to midnight with prayer at midnight and 3 am.

Corporate Prayer & ​Fasting



Prayer and fasting are important parts of a Christian ​believer's life. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that can ​help people grow closer to God, gain clarity, and ​improve their physical health. A fast should begin and ​end with prayer, and throughout the fast, people can ​meditate and pray about what they are fasting for. This ​helps people focus on why they are fasting rather than ​how hungry they may feel, and allow their relationship ​with God to flourish.

**Consult your physician first, if you have any medical ​concerns.

The Man Cave Prayerline

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Lead by

Brother Keary McNish

Our Reason​...

The Man Cave Prayerline is a ​spiritual ministry in which men pray ​for the needs of their families, and ​friends, and the community. Strict ​confidentiality is maintained. ​Prayer requests are received by ​phone. This is the place men come ​together unapologetically for ​Jesus, to pray and uplift each ​other. ​

Man in Cave
THE MAN CAVE THURSDAYS 5AM Dial 346 248 7799 Meeting ID 869 2171 1205 Passcode 956893

The Women Cave



Lead By

Regina Mcnish

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Dial in 346 248 7799 Meeting ID 823 9631 3477 Passcode 142433

House 2 House (H2H) Foundational Teaching

Every 4th SUNDAY

House 2 House Foundational Teaching is lead by Elder Mike & Sis Gin Underwood every 4th Sunday. You will be able to gain a much deeper understanding of the Word of God and apply these scriptural truths to your everyday life. We also take communion on the 4th Sunday.

Elder Mike wife Gin Underwood
Every 4th Sunday
House 2 House
Foundational Teaching

Men ​Fellowship

Fun, Food, & ​Fellowship .

November 2, 2024

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Know The Facts Label
Cute Simple Boho pattern
Cute Simple Boho pattern

The Importance of being born ​again...

4 Things God wants you to know.

You need to be ​saved.

J​ohn 3:3

You can't save ​yourself.

James 2:10

T​itus 3:5

Jesus has ​provided for ​your salvation.

1 Peter 3:18

You can be ​saved today.

John 5:24

I​saiah 55:6

Cute Simple Boho pattern

Inspired by

Cute Simple Boho pattern
Cute Simple Boho pattern

House 2 House Foundational Teaching

Elder Mike & Sis. Gin Underwood


Beyond the Walls

Biblical Study

Bible Study




1 Peter

2 Peter





1 Timothy

2 Timothy


Memory Verses

  1. Luke 10:19
  2. 1 Timothy 6:6
  3. Ecclesiastes 5:10
  4. 2 Timothy 1:6
  5. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
  6. Joshua 1:9
  7. Proverbs 28:1
  8. Hebrews 10:23
  9. 1 John 1:5
  10. 2Chronicles 7:14
  11. Matthew 10:32-33
  12. Romans 8:31
  13. 1 Peter 1:16
  14. Hebrews 11:6
  15. Revelations 2:17
  16. 1 Thessalonians 5:16
  17. Psalm 100:5
  18. Hebrews 4:16

Challenge Books to Read Monthly

January- John

February- Ecclesiates

March- Proverbs

April- Mark

May- Hebrews

June -Psalm

Ways to give...


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Address upon request.

People Care Ministries Inc.

Connect ​with us

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(336) 508-8746


PRAYER @ 9:45 am

SERVICE @ 10:00 am

Hyatt Place Hotel

1619 Stanley Road.

Greensboro, NC 27406